Special Tour: Rising Sun: Artists in an Uncertain America (PAFA)
Sunday, April 9, 1:00 PM
$5 - $23
Join us for a small group tour of the much anticipated exhibition, Rising Sun: Artists in an Uncertain America at PAFA. In a time when perspectives about human rights, equality, free speech, and other democratic principles are radically disparate, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) and African American Museum in Philadelphia (AAMP) invited twenty artists to create new works that respond to the critical question: Is the sun rising or setting on the experiment of American democracy?
We will spend time with and discuss artworks by Shiva Ahmadi, Tiffany Chung, Lenka Clayton, Petah Coyne, Eamon Ore-Giron, Alison Saar, Rose B. Simpson, Sheida Soleimani, Dyani White Hawk, Wilmer Wilson IV, and Saya Woolfalk.
Registration includes admission to PAFA's Museum.
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