Join us for an exciting new tour that honors the trailblazing careers of the women artists whose works are currently on view at PAFA in Making American Artists: Stories from PAFA, 1776-1976. Lori Waselchuk, PAFA's Assistant Director of Public Programs, will guide you on a tour of paintings and sculptures by great American artists including Cecelia Beaux, Joan Brown, Mary Cassatt, Harriet Hosmer, May Howard Jackson, Alice Neel, Louise Nevelson, Violet Oakley, Georgia O'Keeffe, Laura Wheeler Waring, and Patience Wright. PAFA has the remarkable distinction of actively promoting women artists since its first annual exhibition in 1811.
Registration includes the entrance fee to PAFA's Museum.
Image: Violet Oakley (1874-1961), June, 1902, Oil, charcoal, and graphite on composition board, ramed: 23 3/4 x 24 1/2 x 1 in. (60.325 x 62.23 x 2.54 cm.); 16 3/16 x 17 1/16 in. (41.11625 x 43.33875 cm.), Henry D. Gilpin Fund.
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